This four-part seminar series will address:
The cause of pandemics, droughts, soil erosion and land and river system degradation. The destructive practices of mining and agribusiness. The battles for First Nations custodianship of land, campaigns for food sovereignty, environmental flows for water management and sustainable and regenerative farming.
It will tackle these questions:
What are the causes of COVID19 and other deadly pandemics? Why is Australia and other countries suffering more debilitating droughts? Why have First Nations expertise in land management been ignored? What are the effects of coal and coal seam gas mining on our natural environment? Is combating world poverty aided by capitalist agribusiness practices? What solutions exist in regenerative agriculture for pandemics, droughts and the poisoning of our water supply? What role could First Nations traditional practises play in these solutions? This four-part seminar series will examine these burning queries.
What the classes entail:
Each class will run for two hours and be conducted by zoom. Participants will receive a reading and question list for each class. There are two books (Sustainable Agriculture versus Corporate Greed, Dark Emu) articles and youtube documentaries the class is utilising. The presenter will give a 20 minute presentation then participants will divide into groups. Led by a group facilitator, each group will tackle the classes questions.
Class 1 Pandemics and Destructive Agribusiness Practices.
Class 2 The Drought Crisis and Privatisation of Water in Australia.
Class 3 Causes of Land, Farming and Pandemic Crisis.
Class 4 Regenerative Agricultural Solutions.
The cost of the Seminar Series:
The four-part class series is $50/ $60. For $50 you receive the book ‘Sustainable Agriculture versus Corporate Greed as a PDF via email. If you want a hardcopy of the book, the cost of the course is $60. You will receive the reading material and questions via email, or your postal address. We encourage participants to buy Bruce Pascoe’s Dark Emu or borrow it in the library.
The educators:
The Seminars will be conducted by three educators: Alan Broughton and Elena Garcia are permaculturists, organic and sustainable farmers, journalists and educators. Tracey Carpenter is a water warrior who has been fighting for environment flows since 1991. Alan Broughton is an agroecological researcher and educator. He developed the first organic farming diploma course for TAFEs in Australia and teaches organic farming courses in Vietnam. Alan manages a sustainable section of country on the land of the Gunai/Kurnai people (East Gippsland). Elena Garcia is a regenerative grazier, an activist in LandCare groups, a regular contributor to Green Left, an activist in NSW-based Water for Rivers and based in the land of the Barungam people of south-east Queensland. Tracey Carpenter is a contributor to Green Left. She was involved in the activist group insisting for more water flow allocations in the 1991 Murray Darling Basin flow establishment, was an activist in the campaign 'Water More Precious than Gold' and is an activist with the NSW group Water for Rivers and is based in the land of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation.
Dates of the classes:
- First class is on Thursday September 24, 5.30-7.30pm
- Second class is Thursday October 1, 5.30-7.30pm
- Third class is Thursday October 8, 5.30-7.30pm
- Fourth class is Thursday October 15, 5.30-7.30pm
Hosted by: Resistance Bookshop and Green Left
Register here:Eventbrite
Any questions?
Call Dave 0499 728 372 Rachel 0403 517 266
Call Dave 0499 728 372 Rachel 0403 517 266